Avoid These Summer Pet Health Hazards

avoid these summer pet health hazardsBoth indoor and outdoor dogs and cats are at increased risk for potential illness and injury during hot summer months. Parasites, animal bites and other health hazards are only a few of the dangers that responsible pet owners should take into consideration. Experienced veterinarians and staff can offer prevention, treatment and emergency care to keep pets healthy and address illness and injury. Understand more about common summer pet dangers for dogs and cats.

4 Summer Pet Health Hazards To Avoid

Ticks, Fleas and Mosquitoes

According to recent reports, this summer may see a surge in ticks and Lyme disease. This is only one of the parasites which may cause illness to a beloved pet. Ticks, fleas and mosquitos can be easily infect pets and symptoms of illness may take time to reveal themselves to an owner. Heartworms and some intestinal parasites are difficult to see at their earliest stages.

Heartworms are transmitted via mosquitoes and the larvae develop into long worms that make their home in the lungs and surrounding veins, where they multiply causing respiratory distress, lethargy and death without treatment. Heartworms, tapeworms (transmitted from fleas) and other small parasites can be detected through specific tests provided by a trusted veterinarian. Pet owners can prevent infection with the use of a variety of medications, including oral medications, topical applications and vaccinations. A veterinarian can discuss the vaccinations and preventative options available to provide dogs and cats an extra layer of protection.

Zoonotic Diseases

Summer parasites can place pets and family members at risk. Some infectious diseases not only are transmitted from animal to animal but also from animal to human. These types of diseases can be transmitted via a parasite, bacteria or a virus. An infected animal can easily play host to a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted through broken skin, the mouth and the respiratory system. Animal bites from an infected animal can transmit rabies. Regular checkups, testing and vaccinations not only protect a pet from contracting such an illness but also pet owners and their families.

Poisonous Animal Bites

Pets can interact with a number of animals and insects when outside. When a pet is bitten by a venomous spider and poisonous snake, treatment may be necessary. Untreated bites from such organisms can result in necrosis and death. Seek the attention of a veterinarian in such a situation. Excessive bleeding, seizures, difficulty breathing and unconsciousness require immediate medical attention. Pet owners residing in areas known to have such hazards can discuss vaccination options with their veterinarian.

Heat-related Illnesses

Dogs are particularly susceptible to a heat-related illness during the summer. Senior pets and those with other health issues may run a higher risk of heatstroke and other heat-induced issues. Symptoms of heatstroke include heavy panting, vomiting, collapse, seizures and unconsciousness. This condition can cause damage to a dog’s brain, liver, heart and nervous system. This is a situation that is entirely preventable.

Maintain Your Pet’s Health This Summer

Responsible pet owners should be aware of the potential dangers to a dog or cat during sizzling summer months. An experienced veterinarian can discuss these hazards in more detail and provide owners with the education and preventative treatment options to protect their companion pets.

For more information, please contact Pocopson Veterinary Station at (610) 793-3200!

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